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Project Management
Term : Summer 2014
Catalog Year : 2013-2014

PM 683 - Value Methodology

Description: This course will identify and instruct students in the skills and concepts required for mastery of value engineering. Value Methodology (synonymous with the terms value engineering, value management, and value analysis) is a professionally applied, function-oriented, systematic team approach used to analyze and improve value in a product, facility design, system or service - a powerful tool for solving problems and/or reducing costs while improving performance/quality requirements. By enhancing value characteristics, Value Methodology increases the customer satisfaction and adds value to your investment. Value Methodology can be applied to any business or economic sector, including industry, government, construction, and service. Using Value Methodology is a very successful long-term business strategy. Cross-listed with EGR 683. Letter grade only.

Units: 3

Sections offered: Fall 2024

Prerequisite: Admission to Administration (MAdmin) Prep or Master of Administration (MAdmin)