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Parks and Recreation Management
Term : Summer 2015
Catalog Year : 2014-2015

PRM 432 - Introduction To Multi-day River Expedition Leadership

Description: PRM 432 is designed to introduce the theories and techniques used in conducting a safe and professional multiple day river expedition on rivers typical of the Western U.S. The course is also structured to expand the PRM students' knowledge in outdoor leadership through a river context. The primary purpose of this course is to train students in boat handling skills, and the logistics, safety and leadership requirements encountered when conducting a multi-day river experience. During both in class lecture and field experience, students will be introduced to concepts of trip planning and logistics, proper equipment selection and maintenance, safe travel while on the river, emergency planning and procedures, group dynamics, theories of outdoor leadership and appropriate group conduct. Federal, state and local governing agency policies will be presented including licensing and relevant certifications. Instructor consent required. Letter grade only.

Units: 3

No sections currently offered.