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Occupational Therapy Doctorate
Term : Summer 2016
Catalog Year : 2015-2016

OTD 601 - Practice Competency II And Fieldwork Level II

Description: This course includes practice competency activities to synthesize learning and demonstrate reflective clinical reasoning across the semester coursework. In addition, the student completes three one-week fieldwork experiences, one per semester. The first one will be in psychosocial and behavioral health. The context for the other two will be coordinated by the program to fulfill curriculum outcomes. 1 hr. lecture, 3 hrs. lab. Pass-fail only. May be repeated for up to 6 units of credit.

Units: 2

Sections offered: Fall 2024 Spring 2025

Corequisite: OTD 642, OTD 643, OTD 644, and OTD 670