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Term : Summer 2021
Catalog Year : 2020-2021

ANT 355 - Archaeology Of Rock Art

Description: Explore aesthetics, science, interpretation, ethics, management, and conservation of rock engravings and paintings worldwide. We contrast western and non-western modes of interpretation, understandings of landscape, and ethics of site management, focusing on indigenous perspectives in the Americas, Australia, and Africa. 3 hrs. lecture; 3 hrs. lab, including field trips. Prerequisites: junior, senior, or graduate status; at least one upper-division or graduate course in anthropology, art history, AIS, or recreation management; and successful completion of liberal studies writing requirements. Letter grade only. Course fee required.

Units: 3

No sections currently offered.

Requirement Designation: Aesthetic and Humanistic Inquiry + Global

Liberal Studies Essential Skills: Critical Thinking

Prerequisite: Sophomore Status or higher