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Term : Summer 2021
Catalog Year : 2020-2021

ENG 368 - Studies In Speculative Literature

Description: This course provides a study of selected works of speculative literature with close attention to historical, cultural, and political contexts. Where appropriate, attention is given to critical theory informing the production and reception of such speculative literature as science fiction, fantasy, utopia, dystopia, alternate history, fabulist fiction, magical realism, and/or horror. Letter grade or Pass/Fail. May be repeated for up to 6 units of credit.

Units: 3

Sections offered: Fall 2024

Requirement Designation: Aesthetic and Humanistic Inquiry

Liberal Studies Essential Skills: Effective Writing

Prerequisite: ((Foundation English Requirement or HON 190) and 3 additional units of ENG-English coursework) or International Exchange Student Group