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Geographic Science and Community Planning
Term : Summer 2022
Catalog Year : 2021-2022

GSP 263 - Geography Of National Parks And Public Lands

Description: We will explore connections between environment, people, and places in Geography of National Parks and Public Lands, a course which uses a geographic perspective to critically examine public lands of the United States. About 28 percent of the area of the U.S. is owned by the federal government and managed by the Bureau of Land Management, the US National Park Service, the Bureau of Reclamation, and the Department of the Interior. We focus on public lands as a lens through which to examine physical, human, and environmental geography in an integrative way. You will be introduced to basic geographic concepts to help you understand the history, development, and meanings of public lands in the context of American culture. Together we will examine the human and physical geographic structure of the some of these areas, with a particular focus on cultural issues and environmental issues that connect to society more broadly including relationships between Native Americans and public lands. By the end of the semester, you will be able to critically converse, think about, and analyze the meaning of public lands of the United States. Letter grade only.

Units: 3

Sections offered: Spring 2025

Requirement Designation: Social and Political Worlds

Liberal Studies Essential Skills: Critical Thinking