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Mechanical Engineering
Term : Summer 2023
Catalog Year : 2022-2023

ME 476C - Mechanical Engineering Design I

Description: Design teams formed, projects for ME 486C selected with client interaction. Proposal, negotiation, specification/requirements documentation executed and accepted by client. Fall only. Letter grade only.

Units: 2

Sections offered: Summer 2024 Fall 2024

Requirement Designation: Senior Capstone

Prerequisite: CENE 251, CENE 253:253L, CHM 151:151L, CS 122:122L, EE 188:188L, EGR 186, ENG 105, MAT 136, MAT 137, MAT 238, MAT 239, ME 180, ME 240, ME 252, ME 286, ME 291, ME 365, ME 395, (EGR 386W or ME 386W), PHY 161, PHY 262 with C or better