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Culturally-Centered Addictions Research
Term : Summer 2023
Catalog Year : 2022-2023

CAR 610 - Quantitative Research In Addictions

Description: After gaining a solid knowledge in the Foundations in Addictions class, this second course will emphasize quantitative methods, study design, and analysis to equip scholars for their research experience projects. The course requires Scholars to have completed prior courses in research design and methods and analysis at the graduate level. In this quantitative research methods class, Scholars will learn advanced methodological principles of research design, formulating research questions, collecting and managing data, analyzing and evaluating data, and the application to addiction research. Scholars will apply this knowledge by critiquing existing peer-reviewed manuscripts, policy analyses, program evaluations, and technical reports related to SU/SUDs. The program curriculum ensures that Scholars will develop a core competency in study design, data collection, effect size calculation, accounting bias (confounding, moderation and mediation effects), and analytic methods required to answer research questions related to addiction research. Scholars will get a hands-on orientation on publicly available datasets such as National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH), Treatment Episode Data Set (TEDS), National Mental Health Services Survey (N-MHSS), National Survey of Substance Abuse Treatment Services (N-SSATS), Mental Health Client-Level Data ( MH-CLD), and Uniform Reporting System (URS). In this hybrid course, class lectures will be shared with real-world examples from health systems. Scholars will apply research skills and knowledge to their Culturally-Centered Research Experience projects throughout the program. The course will also focus on specific aspects of research, including measurement, and secondary data sources (syndicated data, post-adjudicated claims data, and Electronic Medical Record encounter data). Scholars will demonstrate an understanding of this knowledge by interpreting data analyses, developing quantitative analyses plans, and writing results narratives. Letter grade only.

Units: 2

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