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Computer Information Technology
Term : Summer 2024
Catalog Year : 2023-2024

CIT 611 - Project Planning & Scheduling

Description: This course examines project planning and project scheduling concepts such as specifying project scope, time management, project schedule, work breakdown structure, project scheduling tools, transition planning, and how those concepts are applied to the domain of information technology. As project plans and project schedules serve as a detailed map for the entire project, developing effective project plans and project schedules is critical to the success of projects, and is increasingly important in the information technology domain given the inherent complexities of projects in the domain. In addition, this course builds upon student learning in CIT 610 by introducing students to the project planning and scheduling components of the Project Management Institute's PMBOK® framework. Students will apply their knowledge and skills by creating project scope and transition plan documents for an information technology project following the specifications defined in the Project Management Institute's PMBOK® framework. Students will build upon this course during the remainder of their program by exploring additional Project Management Institute PMBOK® framework components. Letter grade only.

Units: 3

Prerequisite: Admission to a Personalized Learning program