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Computer Information Technology
Term : Summer 2024
Catalog Year : 2023-2024

CIT 694 - Big Data Analytics Master's Project

Description: This course provides a culminating experience for MCIT students specializing Big Data Analytics. Students consult with their faculty mentor to propose, research, and report a major data analytics project to demonstrate what they learned throughout their program. Synthesizing their learning in earlier course requirements in data analytics, students will demonstrate their skills associated with Big Data Analytics. Students will engage in a complete process of solving a real-world data science project; from collecting and processing data to applying suitable and appropriate analytic methods. As part of the demonstration of learning, students will prepare an executive summary of the project highlighting key components such as the technical problem and solution, stakeholders, technologies used, and processes applied in the solution implementation. Using the executive summary as a guide, students will engage in an oral defense of their information technology project design with their faculty mentor demonstrating the student's readiness to take on the roles associated with mobile and Web application developers. Letter grade only.

Units: 3

Prerequisite: Admission to a Personalized Learning program