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Strategic and Industrial Leadership
Term : Summer 2024
Catalog Year : 2023-2024

LEA 445C - Senior Capstone: Industrial Leadership

Description: Being the capstone course for the Industrial Leadership program, this culminating experience will have students demonstrate integration of occupation specific knowledge with leadership theory as applied to the industrial workplace. This course provides students with the opportunity to apply their learning experiences in the Industrial Leadership program and reflect on how their education at Northern Arizona University has prepared them for meeting the critical challenges of leading. Students will engage in a field experience with a local industrial employer to culminate their training and skills development in the program. In preparation for supervisory positions in industrial settings, assignments will challenge students to analyze, critically assess, defend, and apply their skills. This course culminates the study of liberal studies, leadership in industrial workplaces and strategies for the fourth industrial revolution. Letter grade only.

Units: 3

No sections currently offered.

Requirement Designation: Senior Capstone

Liberal Studies Essential Skills: Effective Writing, Oral Communication

Prerequisite: Senior status