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AST 190 - Exploring The Planets

Description: In this course, we discuss the Solar System, as it exists today. As part of this discussion, we learn not only about the planetary bodies in the Solar System, but also about the technology and laws of physics used to access that information. We also practice critical thinking in the form of using observations and data of the Solar System as it exists today to extrapolate back in time to think about how it formed. This course provides students with knowledge about the natural world and the impact of technology on exploring the natural world under the Science and Applied Science Distribution Block of the liberal studies program, and helps students develop the essential skill of critical thinking and hypothesis testing through various in-class active learning and homework assignments. Cross-listed with GLG 190. Letter grade only.

Units: 3

No sections currently offered.

Requirement Designation: Science and Applied Science

Liberal Studies Essential Skills: Scientific Inquiry