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Bachelor of University Studies
Term : Summer 2024
Catalog Year : 2023-2024

BUS 350W - Interdisciplinary Foundations And Writing

Description: In BUS 350W, students learn skills essential to interdisciplinary inquiry and writing. Students in this course will study a contemporary, interdisciplinary topic, and use the perspectives of their two minors to analyze that topic. Students will develop the interdisciplinary writing skills to construct written arguments with relevant evidence that are tailored to particular audiences. The course provides opportunities to gain core research skills in interdisciplinary inquiry, specifically in conducting multidisciplinary academic literature searches and identifying research findings and arguments. Students also have an opportunity to begin building a career portfolio. This course fulfills NAU's junior-level writing requirement. Letter grade only.

Units: 3

Sections offered: Fall 2024

Requirement Designation: Junior Writing Requirement

Prerequisite: Foundation English Requirement