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Informatics and Computing
Term : Fall 2024
Catalog Year : 2024-2025

INF 604 - Writing Scientific Papers

Description: The process of writing and peer review is often intimidating for many scientists, particularly those at the early-career stage. This class aims to demystify the process, and provide students with a solid skill-set that will serve them well for a life-long career in scientific research. This is a hands-on, workshop-style class that demands active participation and hard work, and challenges students to communicate their science in an engaging, memorable, and effective way. The course is intended for students pursuing a graduate degree (MS or PhD) in the sciences who are ready to put together a manuscript for submission to, and potential publication in, a peer-reviewed scientific journal. The class will emphasize the idea that good papers tell stories that engage, rather than bore, the reader. By the end of the semester, students will produce a coherent, well-structured, and polished manuscript. Instructor consent required. Letter grade only.

Units: 3

No sections currently offered.