Course Search

Physical Therapy

PT 710 - Patient Management 4

Description: This course synthesizes the learning outcomes from the Patient Management Course Series and the Integrated Clinical Education Experience 1 to expand upon the role of a physical therapist in primary care. This course elevates the previously learned value-based principles and integrates into value propositions how physical therapists offer solutions sought by the healthcare system across the pediatric, adult, and geriatric populations. These roles and contributions encompass chronic disease management, the delivery of cost-effective episodic care, the promotion of preventive healthcare, the empowering of patients/clients, and recognizing the interconnectedness of physical, psychological, and social factors in maintaining optimal health and addressing specific health conditions. Letter grade only.

Units: 6

No sections currently offered.

Requirement Designation:

Prerequisite: Admission to DPT-Entry Level Hybrid/Blended program (Student Group PTHY)