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Civil and Environmental Engineering
Term : Fall 2025
Catalog Year : 2025-2026

CENE 332 - Solid And Hazardous Waste Management

Description: This course focuses on soil and land pollution and management strategies. Topics covered include the chemical and physical properties of soil, soil contaminants, contaminant partitioning between the solid and liquid/gas/biotic phases, fate and transport in the subsurface, and soil sampling methodologies. Also included are solid and hazardous waste identification and characterization, site characterization, toxicology, risk assessment, remedial actions, remediation technologies, and landfill design. Required for environmental engineering majors. Letter grade only.

Units: 4

Sections offered: Spring 2025

Prerequisite: ENV EGR majors: CENE 280, (CHM 230 or CHM 235) Non-ENV EGR majors: (CHM 230 or CHM 235), (300-level or higher BIO, CHM, GLG, or PHY; or ENV 360) All prerequisites must have grades of C or better