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Earth & Environmental Science
Description: Collection and analysis of field data to investigate interactions between the solid earth, hydrosphere, and biosphere. Emphases on quantitative skills and data communication. Required field trips. Letter grade only.
Units: 3
Sections offered: Spring 2025
Prerequisite: EES 115, ENV 115, ENV 171, GLG 101, GLG 102, or GLG 112
Earth & Environmental Science
Term : Fall 2025
Catalog Year : 2025-2026
EES 240 - Introduction To Field Methods In The Earth And Environmental Sciences
Description: Collection and analysis of field data to investigate interactions between the solid earth, hydrosphere, and biosphere. Emphases on quantitative skills and data communication. Required field trips. Letter grade only.
Units: 3
Sections offered: Spring 2025
Prerequisite: EES 115, ENV 115, ENV 171, GLG 101, GLG 102, or GLG 112