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Description: Directed readings and critical analysis to develop historiographical competence in the American West, the Southwest, and the borderlands. Possible themes are gender, environment, frontier theory, Native American history, and Chicana/o history. Letter grade only. May be repeated for up to 12 units of credit.
Units: 3
Sections offered: Fall 2025
Term : Fall 2025
Catalog Year : 2025-2026
HIS 592 - Readings In American West, Southwest, And Borderlands
Description: Directed readings and critical analysis to develop historiographical competence in the American West, the Southwest, and the borderlands. Possible themes are gender, environment, frontier theory, Native American history, and Chicana/o history. Letter grade only. May be repeated for up to 12 units of credit.
Units: 3
Sections offered: Fall 2025