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Geographic Science and Community Planning
Description: Examines techniques and methods of transportation planning applications, emphasizing interrelationship of land use and travel, and providing an overview of different methodological approaches including travel demand forecasting models. Co-convened with GSP 443. Cross-listed with CENE 543. Letter grade only.
Units: 3
No sections currently offered.
Prerequisite: Graduate Status
Geographic Science and Community Planning
Term : Fall 2025
Catalog Year : 2025-2026
GSP 543 - Urban Transportation Planning
Description: Examines techniques and methods of transportation planning applications, emphasizing interrelationship of land use and travel, and providing an overview of different methodological approaches including travel demand forecasting models. Co-convened with GSP 443. Cross-listed with CENE 543. Letter grade only.
Units: 3
No sections currently offered.
Prerequisite: Graduate Status