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Geographic Science and Community Planning
Description: The course will focus on principles and techniques of vector-based spatial data analysis. Emphasis will be placed on spatial modeling and spatial statistics. 3 hrs. lecture, 3 hrs. lab. Letter grade only.
Units: 4
No sections currently offered.
Prerequisite: GSP 433 Pre- or Corequisite: STA 270
Geographic Science and Community Planning
Term : Fall 2025
Catalog Year : 2025-2026
GSP 438 - GIS Modeling And Analysis II: Vector
Description: The course will focus on principles and techniques of vector-based spatial data analysis. Emphasis will be placed on spatial modeling and spatial statistics. 3 hrs. lecture, 3 hrs. lab. Letter grade only.
Units: 4
No sections currently offered.
Prerequisite: GSP 433 Pre- or Corequisite: STA 270