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Geographic Science and Community Planning
Description: Examination of the relationship between community planning and public health. Issues related to transportation, land use, urban design, community development, environmental policy, health promotion, and disease prevention are discussed, with examples covering how and why these elements should be considered part of the process and the outcome of public decision-making. Instructor consent required. Letter grade only.
Units: 3
Sections offered: Fall 2025
Geographic Science and Community Planning
Term : Fall 2025
Catalog Year : 2025-2026
GSP 545 - Community Planning And Public Health
Description: Examination of the relationship between community planning and public health. Issues related to transportation, land use, urban design, community development, environmental policy, health promotion, and disease prevention are discussed, with examples covering how and why these elements should be considered part of the process and the outcome of public decision-making. Instructor consent required. Letter grade only.
Units: 3
Sections offered: Fall 2025