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Physician Assistant Studies
Term : Fall 2025
Catalog Year : 2025-2026

PHA 690 - Pa Seminar

Description: In this 1-credit course, delivered across the entire second year of the program, lectures and discussions focused on topics relevant to clinical practice and the delivery of health care are designed to enhance the knowledge and skills students acquire during clinical rotations. Additionally, course assessments focused on clinical decision-making and various approaches to patient care provide students with opportunities to demonstrate their knowledge and receive and respond to feedback in an academic setting. Letter grade only.

Units: 1

No sections currently offered.

Prerequisite: PHA 500, PHA 511, PHA 512, PHA 520, PHA 521, PHA 522, PHA 530, PHA 540, PHA 550, PHA 551, PHA 560, PHA 561, PHA 570, PHA 580, PHA 581, and PHA 590 with an overall GPA of 3.0 or better