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Term : Fall 2025
Catalog Year : 2025-2026

PHY 172 - University Physics II For Physicists

Description: The second semester of a three-semester, calculus-based, introductory physics sequence especially designed for physics and astronomy majors. This course covers all topics in PHY 262 including electric fields, magnetic fields, Maxwell's equations, and the First and Second Laws of Thermodynamics, and goes beyond PHY262 by adding topics that are especially useful in preparation for upper division physics courses including time-varying electric fields, time varying-magnetic fields, electromagnetic waves, and entropy. 4 hrs. lecture, 3 hrs. lab. Letter grade only.

Units: 5

Sections offered: Spring 2025

Course Attributes:
  • GS: Methods - Natural Sciences
  • LS: Lab Science
Prerequisite: MAT 136 and PHY 171 Corequisite: MAT 137