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Term : Fall 2025
Catalog Year : 2025-2026

PSY 679 - Culminating Experience

Description: As part of the graduate curriculum, students are required either to propose, execute, and defend a Master's thesis or to complete and present an applied experience from which appropriate coursework has been completed and is documented on the student's transcript. Projects typically are applied projects, often involving immersion in work or experiences outside of the Department (e.g., in community-based organizations, as a consultant for industry, teaching a course in a credentialed educational setting). Examples of projects that might count as a culminating experience include field work, program evaluation, or teaching. Graduate students who elect not to pursue a thesis and who are thereby required to complete an applied experience will work collaboratively with an advisor to develop and complete her/his/their project with attention paid to demonstrating mastery of the Department's graduate learning goals. In consultation with their advisor(s), there is some flexibility as to the nature, design, outcomes, and final product of the project. All students are required to present an oral presentation of the project to the Department. Pass-fail only. May be repeated for up to 6 units of credit with different topics.

Units: 1-6

Sections offered: Spring 2025 Fall 2025

Prerequisite: Admission to Psychological Sciences MA