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Term : Fall 2025
Catalog Year : 2025-2026

LAN 340 - Global Engagement Abroad

Description: This asynchronous online course facilitates an exploration of students' learning-immersion experience while abroad, particularly with respect to cultural and social expectations in academic, professional, and personal spheres of the host culture. The course provides a guided structure for researching, reflecting on, journaling/blogging, and communicating about immersive academic experiences abroad by promoting dialogue across disciplines and cultures via online communication. Additionally, students will engage in direct research through engagement in the society in which they are living and studying in order to help prepare them for their field work experiences during the second semester abroad. Participation is limited to, and required of, students in the Interdisciplinary Global Programs (IGP) who are currently studying and working abroad (normally the fourth year of the program). Letter grade only.

Units: 3

Sections offered: Fall 2025

Course Attributes:
  • GS: Social & Political Worlds + Global
  • GS: Social & Political Worlds
  • LS: Global Diversity
  • LS: Social and Political Worlds
  • LS: Social & Political Worlds + Global
  • GS: Global Diversity
Prerequisite: Admission to Interdisciplinary Global Program (IGP)