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Mechanical Engineering
Term : Fall 2025
Catalog Year : 2025-2026

ME 557 - Advanced Engineering Analysis

Description: This course covers methods of analysis for a broad range of engineering problems. In depth coverage of vector calculus and linear algebra, eigenvalues and eigenvectors, LU factorization of matrices, Fourier analysis, partial differential equations, complex numbers and functions, and calculus of variations, illustrated through examples specific to the field of engineering, constitutes the core of this course. Expands on fundamental concepts first introduced in Fluid Mechanics, Structural Analysis, Vibrations, Heat Transfer and Numerical Methods. Use of computational tools is required to complete course assignments. Co-convened with ME 457. Letter grade only.

Units: 3

Sections offered: Fall 2025

Prerequisite: Admission to Mechanical Engineering MS, Mechanical Engineering PhD, or Bioengineering PhD