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Health Sciences
Term : Fall 2025
Catalog Year : 2025-2026

HS 311 - Public Health Program Evaluation

Description: Program evaluation is a core skill used by public health professionals. In this course, students will gain experience with the tools needed to complete mixed-methods evaluations of public health interventions. These tools include logic models, primary and secondary data collection, instrument design, data analysis, and evaluation report writing. This course prepares students to develop and carry out public health program evaluations within internship, research, and community-based settings. Students will work alongside a community partner to learn about program evaluation in a real-world setting. This course is required by all BS - Health Sciences: Public Health majors. Letter grade only.

Units: 3

Sections offered: Fall 2025

Prerequisite: (HS 205 and (PSY 230 or STA 270)) with grades of C or better.