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Fitness Wellness
Term : Fall 2025
Catalog Year : 2025-2026

FW 360W - Exercise Considerations For Special Populations

Description: This course will focus on cultivating students¿ knowledge of exercise program design and implementation to enhance quality of life, improve health-related physical fitness, increase physical performance, and promote lasting health behavior change in persons with clinically significant challenges or diagnoses. Further, each student will demonstrate their ability to clearly and professionally communicate research findings and evidence-based best practices in a formal written paper. The reading and writing components will examine exercise prescription for individuals with cardiac conditions, orthopedic concerns, obesity, pregnancy, older adult populations, pulmonary conditions, metabolic conditions, children, and elite athletes. This course is required by all Fitness Wellness (FW) majors and fulfills NAU¿s junior-level writing requirement. Letter grade only.

Units: 3

Sections offered: Fall 2025

Course Attributes:
  • LS: Junior Writing Requirement
  • GS: Junior Level Writing Requirement
HS 200, BIO 181, BIO 192, BIO 201, BIO 201L, FW 275, and English Foundation