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Aerospace Studies
Term : Fall 2021
Catalog Year : 2021-2022

AS 251 - Air Force Physical Training Course I

Description: Opportunity for NAU students who meet the following requirements: Per 10 U.S.C.2109(c)(1), Practical Military Training, "A person who is not qualified for, and...will not be able to become qualified for, advanced training (POC),...shall not be permitted to participate in...practical military training," including Physical Fitness Training. All students must have a recent physical examination medically clearing individual to participate in class and proof of liability insurance. The syllabus will cover both cardiovascular and anaerobic activity, aimed at helping every participant to get in better shape regardless of fitness level. Pass/Fail only. May be repeated for a maximum of 2 units.

Units: 1

Sections offered: Fall 2024 Spring 2025