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Earth & Environmental Science
Term : Summer 2022
Catalog Year : 2021-2022

EES 591 - Basics Of Greenhouse Gas Accounting

Description: In this course you will be introduced to the emerging field of GHG emissions accounting and develop the skills needed to identify, verify, and report a corporation's GHG emissions. Increasingly businesses are recognizing that tracking and managing GHG emissions can result in measurable environmental, social, and economic benefits. You will be introduced to the basic skills and techniques needed to generate GHG emissions inventories for entities or corporations, including the requirements for reporting and verifying entity-level direct emissions (e.g., Scope 1) and indirect emissions from purchased electricity (e.g., Scope 2). This is the first course in a series of four courses that satisfy the requirements for the Professional Certificate in Greenhouse Gas Accounting. The course focuses on building the foundation skills necessary for all aspects of GHG accounting, reporting, and mitigation and is pre-request to the other courses in the certificate. Letter grade only.

Units: 3

Sections offered: Fall 2024

Prerequisite: Graduate Status