Academic Catalog - 2023-2024

College of the Environment, Forestry, and Natural Sciences

School of Earth and Sustainability

Earth Sciences and Environmental Sustainability, Doctor of Philosophy

Academic Information

Available Emphasis Areas:

This Doctoral program will prepare you to be part of a growing industry of leaders, scientists, and engineers addressing issues of climate change, water scarcity, natural resource demand, and environmental sustainability in the Southwest, United States, and the global community.

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Academic Catalog - 2023-2024

College of the Environment, Forestry, and Natural Sciences

School of Earth and Sustainability

Earth Sciences and Environmental Sustainability, Doctor of Philosophy


What Can I Do with a Doctor of Philosophy in Earth Science and Environmental Sustainability?

Earth and environmental sciences and their engineering and policy applications are at the forefront of critical issues facing society in the coming decades. Climate change, water scarcity, the growing demand on natural resources, and environmental sustainability are all challenges for the Southwest, the United States, and the global community.

In this program, you'll join a new generation of leaders, scientists, and engineers who will be uniquely trained to tackle these pressing problems. The goal of this degree is to foster integrative and transformative research that lies between the traditional science and environmental engineering sub-disciplines. You will take classes in environmental policy, in-depth seminars in research, an individualized group of classes specific to your emphasis, and classes to help you attain your individual career goals.

Career opportunities that might be pursued:
  • Research scientist
  • Post-secondary educator
  • Environmental consultancy supervisor
  • Environmental policy specialist
  • Resource management supervisor
  • Non-governmental organization leader

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Academic Catalog - 2023-2024

College of the Environment, Forestry, and Natural Sciences

School of Earth and Sustainability

Earth Sciences and Environmental Sustainability, Doctor of Philosophy

University Requirements

More Information

Academic Catalog - 2023-2024

College of the Environment, Forestry, and Natural Sciences

School of Earth and Sustainability

Earth Sciences and Environmental Sustainability, Doctor of Philosophy


In addition to University Requirements:

Minimum Units for Completion 60
Additional Admission Requirements Required

Dissertation is required.

Comprehensive Exam Comprehensive Exam is required.
Oral Defense Oral Defense is required.
Research Individualized research is required.
Emphasis Required

An emphasis is required for this degree.

Purpose Statement

The Interdisciplinary PhD Program in Earth Sciences & Environmental Sustainability (ESES) brings together students and faculty from across the University. Many ESES topics address questions that can inform decisions and solutions related to environmental issues made by governments, business and society.
ESES students produce discipline-specific science and engineering of the highest quality. They strive to integrate different disciplines from the natural sciences, social sciences and engineering to build, connect and communicate knowledge to increase the broader impacts of their research.
ESES students study how planet Earth is changing due to natural phenomena and human activities over spatial and temporal scales. They observe, explain, understand, and project trends in earth, environmental, and societal systems, and investigate the drivers and processes that shape natural and social worlds and the interactions between them.

Earth Systems Emphasis
This emphasis area will train and educate leaders in rapidly growing industries and academic fields such as natural resources and energy, and in government agencies that require PhD-level researchers to inform policy decisions on some of the greatest problems facing society.

Climate and Environmental Change Emphasis
This emphasis often combines the long-term perspective from geological archives with process-oriented investigations of today, with the goal of integrating a field-based understanding of natural systems into predictive models to support sustainable resource management in the face of climate change.

Engineering Sustainable Systems Emphasis
This emphasis is designed for engineers who are interested in understanding the economic, societal and environmental implications of engineering systems. It provides a strong background in engineering enhanced by understanding future sustainability of our environment, and will prepare you for careers in academia, industry, and governmental organizations.

Ecology, Evolution and Conservation Biology Emphasis
This emphasis will train and educate leaders in areas of research and application at the cutting edge of conservation and sustainability professions, including basic research, management decision-making, sustainable policy development, and applied conservation.

Environment and Society Emphasis
This emphasis will prepare leaders in the areas of natural resources management, community engagement, the non-profit/NGO sector, academia, and in government agencies that require PhD-level researchers to inform management and policy decisions that address some of the greatest environmental problems facing society today.

Student Learning Outcomes

ESES students will select one of the following three emphasis areas, based upon their background and the work they will complete toward their dissertation:
Earth Systems Emphasis

Climate and Environmental Change Engineering Sustainable Systems EmphasisEcology, Evolution and Conservation BiologyEnvironment and Society Emphasis

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Academic Catalog - 2023-2024

College of the Environment, Forestry, and Natural Sciences

School of Earth and Sustainability

Earth Sciences and Environmental Sustainability, Doctor of Philosophy


Graduate Admission Information
Additional Admission Requirements
Doctoral Requirements
Additional Information
More Information

Academic Catalog - 2023-2024

College of the Environment, Forestry, and Natural Sciences

School of Earth and Sustainability

Earth Sciences and Environmental Sustainability, Doctor of Philosophy

Campus Availability

More Information