Academic Catalog - 2023-2024

College of Health and Human Services

Department of Health Sciences

Health Sciences - Physical Education, Bachelor of Science in Education

Academic Information

The Bachelor of Science in Education (BSEd) degree has been a part of NAU’s heritage from its earliest years. Those who earn this degree will be ready to launch and/or sustain a career teaching physical education to youth in Pre K-12 schools. Teachers are an essential part of school, community, and country. We aim to guide young people to become and remain physically active and healthy throughout life.

This program is accredited by the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP)

This program is nationally recognized by the Society of Health and Physical Educators (SHAPE America, formerly the National Association for Sport and Physical Education).

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Academic Catalog - 2023-2024

College of Health and Human Services

Department of Health Sciences

Health Sciences - Physical Education, Bachelor of Science in Education


What Can I Do with a Bachelor of Science in Education in Health Sciences - Physical Education?

Physical education in Pre K-12 schools is heralded as a critical component of public health and physical activity promotion.  The focus of this program is to prepare graduates to have immediate success teaching physical education to Pre K-12 youth as well as to promote physical activity among youth and school communities. Graduates will be eligible for an Arizona secondary credential in physical education with a Pre K-12 endorsement in physical education. This program is available for traditional Flagstaff Mountain Campus students, and online for undergraduate students who meet certain criteria*.

A “Physical Education Pathway to Certification (PEP-C)” option is available that is designed to meet the Arizona Department of Education Teaching Experience and Coursework/Training secondary certification requirements (see option B & B-2) for individuals with a bachelor degree interested in preK-12 teaching licensure. To find out more about this option, see Health Science - Physical Education BSEd.

Finally, for currently secondary licensed educators, online coursework is available that may meet the Arizona requirements for the Pre K-12 endorsement in physical education. To find out more about this option, see Health Science - Physical Education BSEd.

The Bachelor of Science in Education in Heath Sciences - Physical Education program is part of NAU’s Professional Education Programs.

*Online BSEd in Physical Education students must have a written and signed agreement with a school to allow them to teach a class at least once/week for the duration of their coursework. Lab activities in all PEP-C classes require teaching and video recording your lesson and students weekly. A contract and affiliation agreement must be in place between the school and NAU to allow teaching and video recording to meet these requirements. It is the student’s responsibility to meet all elementary/secondary school requirements and standards of practice to be able to teach and meet program requirements. 

Career opportunities that might be pursued:
  • Community health educator
  • Interscholastic athletics coach
  • Physical Education teacher
  • School health teacher

With further education, one of these paths is possible:
  • Athletics administrator
  • Principal
  • School psychologist
  • Counselor

More Information

Academic Catalog - 2023-2024

College of Health and Human Services

Department of Health Sciences

Health Sciences - Physical Education, Bachelor of Science in Education

University Requirements

More Information

Academic Catalog - 2023-2024

College of Health and Human Services

Department of Health Sciences

Health Sciences - Physical Education, Bachelor of Science in Education


In addition to University Requirements:

Candidates in this program are required to demonstrate content knowledge, pedagogical knowledge and skills, professional knowledge, and professional dispositions to be eligible to enter student teaching or internship placements.

Content, pedagogical, and professional knowledge or skills, and professional dispositions are demonstrated through candidate performance on key assessments embedded in the following course(s):

Students may be able to use some courses to meet more than one requirement. Contact your advisor for details.

Minimum Units for Completion 120
Major GPA 2.5
Highest Mathematics Required MAT 114
Additional Admission Requirements Required
Fieldwork Experience/Internship Required
Student Teaching/Supervised Teaching Required
University Honors Program Optional
AZ Transfer Students complete AGEC-A Recommended
Progression Plan Link View Progression Plan

This program may lead to licensure.

Purpose Statement 

The Bacholor of Science in Education in Health Sciences - Physical Education program allows candidates to become a certified Physical Education teacher in the state of Arizona. Through the program students are exposed to robust field experiences where active learning and student engagement occurs. Candidates are immersed in rich methods courses and then apply what they have learned in K-12 schools. Candidates are exposed to content progressions; understanding how a skill or concept can be taught various ways depending on the skill level of the individual. Candidates learn a multitude of teaching strategies. Candidates develop lesson plans and lesson objectives. Candidates apply the Arizona Physical Education State Standards and national standards to lesson objectives, lesson plans, unit plans and unit objectives. The program delivers a quality focus on curriculum development, assessments, application of assessments, data literacy strategies, technology integration, classroom management strategies and solid pedagogical knowledge. The Physical Educator trained at Northern Arizona University understands the importance of teaching and demonstrating movement concepts and skill themes when educating a child to become physically active for a lifetime. 

Student Learning Outcomes based from the 2017 National Standards for Initial Physical Education Teacher Education.
Outcomes align with Standards from the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation, the National Association for Sport and Physical Education, and the Interstate New Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium.
Standard 1: Content and Foundational Knowledge
Physical Education candidates demonstrate an understanding of common and specialized content, and scientific and theoretical foundations for the delivery of an effective preK-12 physical education program.
Candidates will:

Standard 2: Skillfulness and Health-Related Fitness*
Physical Education candidates are physically literate individuals who can demonstrate skillful performance in physical education content areas and health-enhancing levels of fitness.
Candidates will: 
Standard 3: Planning and Implementation
Physical Education candidates apply content and foundational knowledge to plan and implement developmentally appropriate learning experiences aligned with local, state and/or SHAPE America National Standards and Grade-Level Outcomes for K-12 Physical Education through the effective use of resources, accommodations and/or modifications, technology and metacognitive strategies to address the diverse needs of all students.
Candidates will: 
Standard 4: Instructional Delivery and Management
Physical Education candidates engage students in meaningful learning experiences through effective use of pedagogical skills. They use communication, feedback, and instructional and managerial skills to enhance student learning.
Candidates will: 
Standard 5: Assessment of Student Learning
Physical Education candidates select and implement appropriate assessments to monitor students’ progress and guide decision making related to instruction and learning.
Candidates will: 
Standard 6: Professional Responsibility
Physical Education candidates demonstrate behaviors essential to becoming effective professionals. They exhibit professional ethics and culturally competent practices; seek
opportunities for continued professional development; and demonstrate knowledge of promotion/advocacy strategies for physical education and expanded physical activity opportunities that support the development of physically literate individuals.
Components – Candidates will:Health Science - Physical Education BSED.

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Academic Catalog - 2023-2024

College of Health and Human Services

Department of Health Sciences

Health Sciences - Physical Education, Bachelor of Science in Education


Additional Admission Requirements
Major Requirements
Teacher Preparation
General Electives
Additional Information
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Academic Catalog - 2023-2024

College of Health and Human Services

Department of Health Sciences

Health Sciences - Physical Education, Bachelor of Science in Education

Campus Availability

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