
Counseling - School Counseling, Master of Education

Department of Educational Psychology

College of Education

The Educational Psychology Department designed this plan to prepare professional school counselors. It is appropriate if you are seeking the Arizona Department of Education's K-12 Guidance Counselor Certification. We offer this program at Northern Arizona University–Flagstaff and through some of our statewide offices.
This academic plan meets the coursework requirements for National Counselor Certification of the National Board for Certified Counselors.

This program is accredited by the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP)

This program is accredited by the Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs (CACREP)

  • To receive a master’s degree at Northern Arizona University, you must complete a planned group of courses from one or more subject areas, consisting of at least 30 units of graduate-level courses. Many master’s degree programs require more than 30 units.

    You must additionally complete:

    • All requirements for your specific academic plan(s). This may include a thesis.
    • All graduate work with a cumulative grade point average of at least 3.0.
    • All work toward the master's degree must be completed within six consecutive years. The six years begins with the semester and year of admission to the program.

    Read the full policy here.

In addition to University Requirements:

  • Complete individual plan requirements.

Candidates in this program are required to demonstrate content knowledge, pedagogical knowledge and skills, professional knowledge, and professional dispositions to be eligible to enter student teaching or internship placements.

Content, pedagogical, and professional knowledge or skills, and professional dispositions are demonstrated through candidate performance on key assessments embedded in the following course(s):

Minimum Units for Completion 60
Additional Admission Requirements

Individual program admission requirements over and above admission to NAU are required.

Fieldwork Experience/Internship Required
Arizona Endorsement

Prepares student for Arizona Endorsement.

Progression Plan Link View Program of Study

This program may lead to licensure.

Purpose Statement

As a student in the MEd in Counseling - School Counseling program, you will take courses, engage in fieldwork, and participate in practicum and an internship that will prepare you to be a certified school counselor.

Upon obtaining your degree, you will be prepared to provide counseling services in the following areas:

  • human growth and development
  • social and cultural foundations
  • career and lifestyle development
  • research and program evaluation
  • professional orientation
  • school emergency mangement plans, and crises, disasters, and trauma

Our School Counseling faculty are leaders in the School Counseling profession across Arizona and at the national level (See Advocacy Projects and faculty bios). Our faculty are also integrally involved with the day-to-day realities of the ever-evolving profession of school counseling.  The CACREP-accredited coursework is deeply informed by the American School Counseling Association (ASCA) current edition of the ASCA National Model, which stresses the modern school counselor's integral role in all students' academic, career and personal/social growth and development.  

Student Learning Outcomes

Outcomes align with Standards from the Council for the Accreditation of Counseling & Related Educational Programs (CACREP).

  • Professional orientation and ethical practice - studies that provide an understanding of all of the following aspects of professional functioning.
  • Social and cultural diversity - studies that provide an understanding of the cultural context of relationships, issues, and trends in a multicultural society.
  • Human growth and development - studies that provide an understanding of the nature and needs of persons at all developmental levels and in multicultural contexts. 
  • Career development  - studies that provide an understanding of career development and related life factors.
  • Helping relationships - studies that provide an understanding of the counseling process in a multicultural society.
  • Group work - studies that provide both theoretical and experiential understandings of group purpose, development, dynamics, theories, methods, skills, and other group approaches in a multicultural society.
  • Assessment - studies that provide an understanding of individual and group approaches to assessment and evaluation in a multicultural society. 
  • Research and program evaluation - studies that provide an understanding of research methods, statistical analysis, needs assessment, and program evaluation.
  • Foundations, contextual dimensions and practice in School Counseling.
See the full list of Student Learning Outcomes


Graduate Admission Information
  • The NAU graduate online application is required for all programs. Admission to many graduate programs is on a competitive basis, and programs may have higher standards than those established by the Graduate College.

    Admission requirements include the following:

    • Transcripts.
    • Undergraduate degree from a regionally accredited institution with a 3.0 GPA on a 4.0 scale ("A" = 4.0), or the equivalent.

    Visit the NAU Graduate Admissions website for additional information about graduate school application deadlines, eligibility for study, and admissions policies.

    Ready to apply? Begin your application now.

    International applicants have additional admission requirements. Please see the International Graduate Admissions Policy.

Additional Admission Requirements
  • Individual program admission requirements over and above admission to NAU are required.

    • GRE® revised General Test for applicants with a GPA lower than 3.0.
    • 3 recommendation references
    • EPS 525 or upper-division undergraduate Statistics course completed within the past three years.
    • Responses to Specific Essay Questions
    • IVP Fingerprint Clearance Card
    • Candidate Interview
Master's Requirements
  • This Master's degree requires 60 units distributed as follows:

    • Counseling – School Counseling Course Requirements: 45 units
    • Select a Career Counseling course: 3 units
    • School-Based Crisis course: 3 units
    • Elective Coursework selected in consultation with your advisor: 3 units
    • Post-Practicum Internship: 6 units

    Take the following 60 units:

    Additional Information
    • Be aware that some courses may have prerequisites that you must also successfully complete. For prerequisite information, click on the course or see your advisor.

    • Program Fee Information
    • Program fees are established by the Arizona Board of Regents (ABOR). A program fee of $500 per semester has been approved for this program. Program fee is waived for internship semester.