Academic Catalog - 2023-2024

College of the Environment, Forestry, and Natural Sciences


Forestry, Master of Forestry

Academic Information

This non-thesis plan prepares you for a career in forest management, in contrast to a career in research. It is appropriate if you desire advanced training in forestry, but not a research focus.

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Academic Catalog - 2023-2024

College of the Environment, Forestry, and Natural Sciences


Forestry, Master of Forestry


What Can I Do with a Master of Forestry in Forestry?

Are you happiest when you're outdoors? Would you like to protect the environment for future generations? Northern Arizona University can help. By pursuing an MF in Forestry, you will become steeped in forest ecosystems and their management, and will emerge a competent professional forester and land steward.

Here, you will prepare for a career as a multi-resource forest manager. This degree is for you if you desire advanced training in Forestry, but don't want to focus on research. You will have the freedom to select courses tailored to your personal interests, in addition to core courses. You will also work extensively to hone your written and oral communication skills, so that you can advance in today's ever-changing job market.

With further education, one of these paths is possible:
  • Policy analyst
  • Forestry consultant
  • Forest manager
  • Research assistant

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Academic Catalog - 2023-2024

College of the Environment, Forestry, and Natural Sciences


Forestry, Master of Forestry

University Requirements

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Academic Catalog - 2023-2024

College of the Environment, Forestry, and Natural Sciences


Forestry, Master of Forestry


In addition to University Requirements:

Minimum Units for Completion 33
Additional Admission Requirements

Individual program admission requirements over and above admission to NAU are required.

Comprehensive Exam Comprehensive Exam is required.
Progression Plan Link View Program of Study
Accelerated Undergraduate/Graduate Plan Optional

Purpose Statement

The Master of Forestry (MF) is a course-work-based non-thesis degree intended for students pursuing professional careers in the management of forest resources for public, private, and non-profit sectors.  The degree prepares students for positions in governmental or non-governmental agencies such as forest manager, policy analyst, silviculturist, or wildlife manager.  This degree is for you if you desire advanced training in Forestry with a focus on forest management and policy instead of original scholarly research. 
The MF is appropriate for students with a Bachelor's degree in Forestry or closely related disciplines.  The MF is integral to the School of Forestry's Accelerated Bachelor's/Master's Program that facilitates completion of both Bachelor's and Master's degrees in five years.  The degree is also suitable for students with Bachelor's degrees outside Forestry who seek training to facilitate a career change to Forestry.  In addition, the MF is part of the Western Regional Graduate Program that provides reduced tuition for students who are residents of other participating western U.S. states. 
The MF emphasizes core training in forest management, ecosystem, and forest social sciences; professional presentations; emerging issues in forestry; electives that provide advanced training in specific skills; and a capstone professional paper that showcases student skills in research/knowledge synthesis and understanding, professional writing, and professional ethnics.

Student Learning Outcomes

Through our non-thesis degree, based primarily on coursework and a project designed with the guidance of your advisor to address a challenge or problem in forestry, our students graduate with the following competencies:

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Academic Catalog - 2023-2024

College of the Environment, Forestry, and Natural Sciences


Forestry, Master of Forestry


Graduate Admission Information
Additional Admission Requirements
Master's Requirements
Accelerated Bachelor's to Master's Program
Additional Information
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Academic Catalog - 2023-2024

College of the Environment, Forestry, and Natural Sciences


Forestry, Master of Forestry

Campus Availability

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