
Geology, Bachelor of Science

School of Earth and Sustainability

College of the Environment, Forestry, and Natural Sciences

This degree attracts students who are curious about geologic hazards, the evolution of the Earth, and what lies beneath the landscape. The program incorporates field-work, laboratory experience, and specialized computer programs that help unveil the secrets of the Earth's infrastructure.

  • To receive a bachelor's degree at Northern Arizona University, you must complete at least 120 units of credit that minimally includes a major, the liberal studies requirements, and university requirements as listed below.

    • All of Northern Arizona University's diversity, liberal studies, junior-level writing, and capstone requirements.
    • All requirements for your specific academic plan(s).
    • At least 30 units of upper-division courses, which may include transfer work.
    • At least 30 units of coursework taken through Northern Arizona University, of which at least 18 must be upper-division courses (300-level or above). This requirement is not met by credit-by-exam, retro-credits, transfer coursework, etc.
    • A cumulative grade point average of at least 2.0 on all work attempted at Northern Arizona University.

    The full policy can be viewed here.

In addition to University Requirements:

  • 70 - 73 units of major requirements including 16 - 32 units of concentration or emphasis requirements.

  • Up to 9 units of major prefix courses may be used to satisfy Liberal Studies requirements; these same courses may also be used to satisfy major requirements.

  • Elective courses, if needed, to reach an overall total of at least 120 units.

Students may be able to use some courses to meet more than one requirement. Contact your advisor for details.

Minimum Units for Completion 120
Highest Mathematics Required MAT 137
Additional Admission Requirements Required
Fieldwork Experience/Internship Required
Research Optional
University Honors Program Optional
Accelerated Undergraduate/Graduate Plan Optional
AZ Transfer Students complete AGEC-S Recommended
Progression Plan Link View Progression Plan

Purpose Statement

The Geology program in SESES develops an interdisciplinary base of knowledge that students use to understand the physical and biological history of the Earth and the evidence for that history. A distinguishing characteristic of geology is that it includes deep time in its understanding of terrestrial and solar system processes.

The Geology program is based on a strong foundation of physics, chemistry, and mathematics that provides an underpinning for the students as they move through the program and start to develop an appreciation for the complexities of interconnected Earth systems and their physical and chemical processes. Students work in field and lab environments, using the scientific method to develop an understanding of Earth materials and to synthesize information from diverse sources and methods to interpret the geological history of the Earth and the processes that occur on and below its surface. This includes the analysis of topographic maps 40 and remote sensing images using GIS tools to study the three-dimensional geometry of rock units, as well as geochemical and geophysical data obtained in the field and laboratory.

Student Learning Outcomes

Core Geology Outcomes

  • Describe and assess linkages between interconnected Earth systems and relate those linkages to human society.
  • Analyze properties of Earth materials as recorders of geological processes.
  • Collect and synthesize complex and often incomplete field data and other spatial information to interpret geologic history.
  • Evaluate, critique, and synthesize scientific literature and communicate scientific information.
  • Demonstrate proficiency in quantitative problem-solving in a geologic context.
  • Understand the physical and biological history and evolution of the Earth and the evidence for that history.

Additional Admission Requirements
  • Individual program admission requirements over and above admission to NAU are required.

  • You will be automatically admitted to Northern Arizona University's geology program if you:


  • If you don't meet these requirements, you must apply to the program by writing a letter of application, supported by current transcripts, before entering GLG 309. Send your application to the program coordinator of the Geology Program (see School of Earth and Sustainability for more information).

Major Requirements
  • This major requires 70 - 73 units distributed as follows:

    • Required Coursework: 49 - 52 units
    • Electives: 21 units

    Take the following 70 - 73 units:

    • This program is available as an Accelerated Undergraduate/Graduate Plan wherein a student may start a master's degree while simultaneously completing their bachelor's degree.

    • Students enrolled at the Flagstaff campus for both undergraduate and graduate programs are eligible to complete the Bachelor of Science in Geology and start a Master of Science in Climate Science and Solutions at NAU.

    • Students must apply to the master's program by the graduate program's application deadline, meet all admissions requirements listed in the policy Accelerated Bachelor's to Master's Programs, as well as the admissions requirements for the specified master's plan to be considered for admission. Admission to programs is competitive and qualified applicants may be denied because of limits on the number of students admitted each year.

      Be sure to speak with the Master's Program Director/Coordinator regarding your interest in the accelerated plan.
    • Students accepted into the Accelerated Program should complete the following requirements:

    • Major Requirements

      This major requires 70 - 73 units distributed as follows:

      • Required Coursework: 58 - 61 units
      • Electives: 12 units

      Take the following 70 - 73 units:

General Electives
  • Additional coursework is required if, after you have met the previously described requirements, you have not yet completed a total of 120 units of credit.

    You may take these remaining courses from any of the academic areas, using these courses to pursue your specific interests and goals. You may also use prerequisites or transfer credits as electives if they weren't used to meet major, minor, or liberal studies requirements.

    We encourage you to consult with your advisor to select the courses that will be most advantageous to you.

Additional Information
  • Some courses may have prerequisites. For prerequisite information, click on the course or see your advisor.