This degree was designed to provide a pathway for Registered Nurses (RNs) to earn a bachelor's degree in nursing. RNs who have graduated from a state or nationally accredited associate-degree or diploma-nursing program are eligible to apply for this degree.
This program offers 4 different tracks to assist the associate degree student, or associate degree graduate, in obtaining their BSN degree.
Concurrent Enrollment Program (CEP): This track is for the student who is admitted into an Arizona Community College nursing program beginning the first block of their AAS degree. The CEP is an opportunity for the student to obtain their AAS and BSN at the same time, graduating with both degrees in the same month.
Mid-AAS: This track is for the student who is currently in an Arizona Community College nursing program and is ready to begin Block 3 of that nursing program. The student will graduate with their BSN 1-2 semesters after obtaining their AAS degree.
Traditional RN-BSN: This track is for nurses who have graduated with their AAS degree and hold an unencumbered RN license. This track is semester based.
This program is accredited by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE)
Nurses outnumber all other healthcare practitioners. The Institute of Medicine (2010) recommends that the proportion of nurses with BSN degrees increase to 80% by 2020. This program builds on skills acquired through a diploma or associate degree program. Courses are delivered online and through clinical projects completed in your community.
Note: If you want to major in Nursing, you must apply and be accepted to the School of Nursing's program in addition to being admitted to the university, and have a current nursing license for state in which you reside. Due to State Board of Nursing regulations and other legal requirements, we do not accept students into the program that live in Alabama, Kentucky, Tennesee, or Washington, nor are we permitted to allow students to complete the program if they relocate to one of these states.
To receive a bachelor's degree at Northern Arizona University, you must complete at least 120 units of credit that minimally includes a major, the liberal studies requirements, and university requirements as listed below.
The full policy can be viewed here.
In addition to University Requirements:
Students may be able to use some courses to meet more than one requirement. Contact your advisor for details.
Minimum Units for Completion | 120 |
Highest Mathematics Required | STA 270 |
Additional Admission Requirements | Required |
University Honors Program | Optional |
Some online/blended coursework | Required |
AZ Transfer Students complete AGEC-A | Recommended |
Progression Plan Link | Not Available |
Purpose Statement
The philosophy of the School of Nursing at Northern Arizona University is based on an ethic of caring that embraces students, faculty and staff, and the university community and the global community within which we live and work. We also believe that caring is a conscious, intentional discipline that is part of nursing's unique body of knowledge and is practiced in interdisciplinary contexts. Caring includes the creation and nurturing of an environment that recognizes that students, staff and faculty have unique ways of viewing the world. This philosophy promotes excellence for nursing education and practice in an environment of constant change and emerging healthcare trends.
The faculty believes the transition to the role of competent professional nurse is a major developmental achievement. We believe that nursing is an art and science that is an integral component of health care. Applying the discipline of nursing to practice depends on a foundation of natural and human sciences, humanities and arts, the application of research, and the diverse backgrounds of learners. Societal influences in the evolving healthcare system challenge all involved in nursing education.
Education is a dynamic, life-long collaborative process by which an individual pursues life goals, broadens human potential, develops thinking and clarifies values. The faculty believes that learning is the intentional acquisition, application, and integration of knowledge, skills and attitudes. Learning is shaped by the environment and developmental level of the learner, and is ultimately the responsibility of the learner. Faculty plan, guide, and facilitate learning while supporting the learning needs of a diverse community of students. We believe that learning-centered experiences with rigorous expectations and actively-engaged students result in higher-level thinkers and graduates prepared for real world practice. We value incorporating rural and global healthcare into a variety of educational experiences. Thus education not only expands the thinking of the learner, but increases opportunities for application.
The faculty has developed a philosophy that values diverse persons, environment, health, and nursing, and their inter-relatedness. The following meta-paradigm concepts guide the implementation of the organizing framework for the curriculum.
If you're a registered nurse who has graduated from an accredited associate degree or diploma nursing program, the RN-BSN program is for you. The program builds on the knowledge and skills you have acquired through a diploma or associate degree nursing program. Courses for this program are delivered online, and clinical projects are completed in your local community, so you can complete the BSN degree in your hometown.
Student Learning Outcomes
Outcomes align with Standards from the American Association of Colleges of Nursing Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education
Individual program admission requirements over and above admission to NAU are required.
RNs who earned their degree from a regionally accredited community college may transfer up to 90 units toward the BSN. Other RNs should consult with a distance-learning advisor to determine transfer credits. Students currently in a regionally accredited community college nursing program may also be eligible for admission; please contact an advisor for recommended courses.
This option for Registered Nurses requires 30 units and for students to complete an Associate's Degree at a Community College. Up to 90 units can be transferred in for this program.
Nursing Common Course Requirements 30 units
Additional coursework is required if, after you have met the previously described requirements, you have not yet completed a total of 120 units of credit.
You may take these remaining courses from any of the academic areas, using these courses to pursue your specific interests and goals. You may also use prerequisites or transfer credits as electives if they weren't used to meet major, minor, or liberal studies requirements.
We encourage you to consult with your advisor to select the courses that will be most advantageous to you.
Some courses may have prerequisites. For prerequisite information, click on the course or see your advisor.