This plan is no longer accepting students.
This program is provided through our Personalized Learning system, wherein a student completes their courses at their own pace, in six month subscriptions, through an online competency-based learning environment. Students in a Personalized Learning program are not able to concurrently enroll in traditional semester-by-semester courses.
A student studying Management through Personalized Learning will study core elements and current case studies that apply to managing human capital, enterprise-wide fiscal, technological and operational planning and applications, critical thinking in management planning and problem-solving, marketing, quality management, communication and leadership. The program focuses on current issues and theory-to-practice exercises in order to prepare managers for immediate success in the field.
Core competencies for this degree program are based on qualities industry leaders identify as most valuable and that are identified as critical in the field of management. Students study broadly from topics in managing human capital, law/policy, leadership, ethics, finance, communication, marketing, critical thinking, strategic planning and technology.
To receive a bachelor's degree at Northern Arizona University, you must complete at least 120 units of credit that minimally include a major, the liberal studies requirements, and university requirements as listed below.
The full policy can be viewed here.
In addition to University Requirements:
Please note that you may be able to use some courses to meet more than one requirement.
Students may transfer up to 75 units of credit from an accredited community college.
Minimum Units for Completion | 120 |
Highest Mathematics Required | MATH 115 |
Progression Plan Link | Not Available |
Emphasis Required | An emphasis is required for this major. |
Purpose Statement
The Personalized Learning Bachelor's degree in Management is built around workplace competencies and prepares students to pursue management careers in a broad spectrum of opportunities in corporate, non-profit, public service or military settings. The curriculum is designed in consultation with business leaders and competencies identified by the Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs and the Society for Human Resource Management to ensure students a comprehensive and relevant educational experience.
PL Management students are provided with the knowledge, skills and abilities to enter the workforce with foundational skills in managing sustainable, ethical and socially responsible organizations. Students explore theories, concepts and practices through current case studies and literature that apply to managing business operations and personnel in the context of a global enterprise. Students analyze and interpret critical knowledge, skills and abilities required for success in managing innovative and traditional organizations. The program focuses on current issues and theory-to-practice exercises to prepare managers for immediate success in the field.
Students in the Human Resources emphasis study broadly from program core topics impacting global enterprise including leadership, ethics, finance, managing human capital, communication, supply chain management, marketing, critical thinking, strategic planning, technology and employment law. In addition, HR emphasis students complete coursework that prepares them to apply concepts and principles of job analyses, HR policy, human performance metrics and compensation.
In addition to the management core lessons, students in the Healthcare Management emphasis engage in coursework that prepares them to lead teams and organizations involved in public health, health disparities, healthcare security and crisis management, technology/telehealth/informatics, and policy.
Students in the PL Management program are prepared to be become transformational leaders capable of developing and leading strategic organizational initiatives and effectively managing change in a multi-national workplace.
Student Learning Outcome
Students may transfer up to 75 units of credit from an accredited community college.
Completion of these competencies will result in the awarding of credit for NAU classes.
Management Core
C1: Analyze management principles from a global perspective
C2: Engage in strategic, critical and innovative thinking
C3. Examine organizational ethics
C4. Engage in effective Managerial Communication
C5: Examine Leadership as it relates to Organizational Management
C6: Manage financial resources to support the fiscal health and strategic goals of an organization.
C7: Analyze technology management and applications
C8: Examine the inextricable relationships between operations and the global movement of goods and services-supply chain
C9: Marketing to a global economy
C10: Recruit and manage talent as part of a strategic business plan
You may be able to use some courses to meet more than one requirement. Contact your faculty mentor for details.
Emphasis Requirements (Select One):
Healthcare Management Emphasis
C11: Review the state of U.S. healthcare organizations
C12: Analyze healthcare operations, obligations and delivery
C13: Research legal and policy issues that govern the healthcare organization and workforce
C14: Evaluate quality management and risk management in healthcare
C15: Examine statistical methods used to inform management decisions
C16: Integrate and apply learning through a Capstone project
Course Credit Earned (21 units)
Entrepreneurship and Business Development Emphasis
C11: Explore and evaluate Entrepreneurship and Business Development Opportunities and Realities
C12: Examine and analyze advanced concepts in Venture Creation, Growth and Strategy
C13: Analyze and apply concepts and processes associated with successful entrepreneurial performance.
C14: Evaluate the concepts, processes, and systems needed to determine and satisfy customer needs/wants/expectations, meet business goals/objectives, and create new product/service ideas
C15: Examine and integrate the concepts, strategies, and systems used to develop a business plan and organizational model, evaluate markets, and evaluate and minimize risk.
C 16: Examine statistical methods used to inform management decisions
C17: Integrate and apply learning through a Capstone project
Course Credit Earned (21 units)
** Students transferring in an applicable statistics course are not required to complete STAT 272. Work with an advisor to determine applicability of transfer course work.
Human Resources Emphasis
C11: Evaluate strategic roles in human resource management
C12: Examine advanced concepts in employment law and regulatory environments
C13: Assess effective total employee compensation plans
C14: Review human resource management's role in organizational training
C15: Integrate knowledge of strategic human resource management
C16: Examine statistical methods used to inform management decisions
C17: Integrate and apply learning through a Capstone project
Course Credit Earned (21 units)
Science Requirement, select from the following (12 units):
Additional coursework is required if, after you have met the previously described requirements, you have not yet completed a total of 120 units of credit.
You may also use prerequisites or transfer credits as electives if they weren't used to meet major, minor, or liberal studies requirements.
We encourage you to consult with your advisor to select the courses that will be most advantageous to you.
Some courses may have departmental prerequisites required by students in other majors. Any prerequisites not fulfilled with transfer credit may be met by successfully completing a pretest; however, the pretest credit(s) will not be granted for the completion of the plan requirements.
This degree is offered only through the Personalized Learning program. Work with a faculty mentor for any questions regarding the applicability of coursework completed through Personalized Learning to any other plan of study at NAU.
See the following sites for additional information.
Grading and Transcripts
Definition of a Term