Interdisciplinary Studies - Administration, Bachelor of Science
Business and Administration
Extended Campuses
To receive a bachelor's degree at Northern Arizona University, you must complete at least 120 units of credit that minimally includes a major, the liberal studies requirements, and university requirements as listed below.
- All of Northern Arizona University's diversity, liberal studies, junior-level writing, and capstone requirements.
- All requirements for your specific academic plan(s).
- At least 30 units of upper-division courses, which may include transfer work.
- At least 30 units of coursework taken through Northern Arizona University, of which at least 18 must be upper-division courses (300-level or above). This requirement is not met by credit-by-exam, retro-credits, transfer coursework, etc.
- A cumulative grade point average of at least 2.0 on all work attempted at Northern Arizona University.
The full policy can be viewed here.
In addition to University Requirements:
- At least 63-66 units of major requirements.
- Be aware that you may not use specific courses in your Specialization or in your Concentration, Minor or Certificate to also satisfy liberal studies requirements.
- Elective courses, if needed, to reach an overall total of at least 120 units
Students may be able to use some courses to meet more than one requirement. Contact your advisor for details.
Additional Admission Requirements
Individual program admission requirements over and above admission to NAU are required.
Specialization Prerequisites
Students who have not completed the prerequisites for BBA 300 must complete the following two leveling courses before beginning the Interdisciplinary Studies Specialization in Administration:- <Course Error>, <Course Error> (6 units)
Liberal Studies Requirement
- Contact the department of your specialization for information about liberal studies courses that are specific to your major.
- You may use courses with prefixes in your specialization area to fulfill liberal studies, but you may not use the same course(s) to satisfy your specialization requirements and your liberal studies requirements.
- You may not use the specific courses in your concentration to satisfy liberal studies requirements.
- If you do use some courses to meet more than one requirement, you must still meet the total of at least 120 units to graduate. Contact your Interdisciplinary Studies advisor for details.
Major Requirements
Take the following 63 - 66 units with a Grade of "C" or better in each course:
Administration Specialization (24 units)- <Course Error>, <Course Error>, <Course Error>, <Course Error>, <Course Error>, <Course Error>, <Course Error>, <Course Error> (24 units)
Minor (18 units)
You may also fulfill this requirement by completing a minor outside your specialization field, instead of either a concentration or certificate.
The minor, which will require at least 18 units, must be completed according to the requirements listed in your catalog of graduation. Refer to specific academic areas within this catalog for information about the coursework requirements for specific minors you may be interested in.
Not all minors are available statewide or online.
Concentration (15 units)
Take at least 15 units that include a minimum of 3 units in each of the following blocks:- Ethical Reasoning
- Creative Inquiry
- Scientific Reasoning
- Changing Worlds
- Cultural Perspectives.
At least 9 units must be taken at Northern Arizona University and at least 6 units of the 9 units must be upper-division (300- or 400-level).
Ethical Reasoning, select from the following (3 units):
- <Course Error>
- <Course Error>, <Course Error>, <Course Error>, <Course Error>
- <Course Error>, <Course Error>
- <Course Error>
- <Course Error>
Ethical Reasoning, select from the following (3 units):
Creative Inquiry, select from the following (3 units):
- <Course Error>, <Course Error>, <Course Error>, <Course Error>
- <Course Error>, <Course Error>
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- <Course Error>
Creative Inquiry, select from the following (3 units):
Scientific Reasoning, select from the following (3 units):
- <Course Error>, <Course Error>
- <Course Error>, <Course Error>
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- <Course Error>
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- <Course Error>
Scientific Reasoning, select from the following (3 units):
Changing Worlds, select from the following (3 units):
- <Course Error>, <Course Error>
- <Course Error>, <Course Error>, <Course Error>, <Course Error>, <Course Error>, <Course Error>, <Course Error>
- <Course Error>, <Course Error>, <Course Error>, <Course Error>, <Course Error>, <Course Error>
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Changing Worlds, select from the following (3 units):
Cultural Perspectives, select from the following (3 units):
- <Course Error>, <Course Error>, <Course Error>, <Course Error>, <Course Error>, <Course Error>, <Course Error>, <Course Error>, <Course Error>, <Course Error>, <Course Error>, <Course Error>
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Cultural Perspectives, select from the following (3 units):
Certificate (15 units)
You may also fulfill this requirement by completing a certificate outside your specialization field, instead of either a concentration or a minor.
The certificate, which will require at least 15 units, must be completed according to the requirements listed in your catalog of graduation. Refer to specific academic areas within this catalog for information about the coursework requirements for specific certificate(s) you may be interested in.
Not all certificates are available statewide or online.
Interdisciplinary Studies Requirements
Computer Literacy (6 units)
This coursework must help you to understand, in general, the technical components of computers and information systems, how to solve problems using information systems technology, word processing, spreadsheet use, database management, graphic information software, website development, graphic design and use of statistical analysis software. Course(s) must have been taken within 10 years of admission to Northern Arizona University subject to advisor approval.
Communication Courses (6 units)
You must choose 6 units in the following two categories. At least 3 units of the 6 units must be upper-division.- Performance-based courses, select one from the following (3 units):
- <Course Error>, <Course Error>, <Course Error>, <Course Error>, <Course Error>, <Course Error> (Performance-based courses are defined as having at least 51 percent of the evaluation of the student being based upon oral performance.)
- Theory-based courses, select one from the following (3 units):
- <Course Error>
- <Course Error>, <Course Error>, <Course Error>, <Course Error>, <Course Error>, <Course Error>, <Course Error>, <Course Error>, <Course Error>, <Course Error>, <Course Error>
Please note that you cannot use CLEP or locally prepared exams to satisfy this requirement. Transfer credit used to satisfy this requirement must be approved by the program director.
Science Requirement, select from the following (12 units):
- <Course Error>, <Course Error>, <Course Error>
- <Course Error>
- <Course Error>, <Course Error>
- (<Course Error> or <Course Error>) or <Course Error>
- <Course Error>, <Course Error>, or equivalent
- <Course Error>
- <Course Error> or equivalent
- <Course Error> or <Course Error>
- Courses with Biology, Physics, Astronomy, Mathematics, Statistics, Geology, Environmental Sciences, Chemistry prefixes
General Electives
Additional coursework is required if, after you have met the previously described requirements, you have not yet completed a total of 120 units of credit.
You may take these remaining courses from any of the academic areas, using these courses to pursue your specific interests and goals. You may also use prerequisites or transfer credits as electives if they weren't used to meet major, minor, or liberal studies requirements.
We encourage you to consult with your advisor to select the courses that will be most advantageous to you.
Additional Information
Be aware that some courses may have prerequisites that you must also successfully complete. For prerequisite information, click on the course or see your advisor.