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Mechanical Engineering
Term : Fall 2024
Catalog Year : 2024-2025

ME 476C - Mechanical Engineering Design I

Description: Design teams formed, projects for ME 486C selected with client interaction. Proposal, negotiation, specification/requirements documentation executed and accepted by client. Letter grade only.

Units: 2

Sections offered: Summer 2024 Fall 2024

Requirement Designation: Senior Capstone

Pre-req: ME: ME 365, ME 386W, ME 395; and ME Fdtnl GPA Milestone MRE BS: CS 126/L, 136/L; EE 188/L; ENG 105; MAT 136, 137, 238, 239; ME 386W; MRE 186, 250, 271, 365, 372; PHY 161 All prerequisites must have grades of C or better Co-req: MRE: MRE 471