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Description: An examination of African American Literature with emphasis on works that reflect major historical and literary eras and cultural trends. Letter grade only.
Units: 3
No sections currently offered.
Requirement Designation: Aesthetic and Humanistic Inquiry + US Ethnic
Liberal Studies Essential Skills: Effective Writing
Prerequisite: (Foundation English Requirement or HON 190) and Honors Student Group
Term : Spring 2024
Catalog Year : 2023-2024
ENG 247H - Intro To African American Literature - Honors
Description: An examination of African American Literature with emphasis on works that reflect major historical and literary eras and cultural trends. Letter grade only.
Units: 3
No sections currently offered.
Requirement Designation: Aesthetic and Humanistic Inquiry + US Ethnic
Liberal Studies Essential Skills: Effective Writing
Prerequisite: (Foundation English Requirement or HON 190) and Honors Student Group