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Description: Explores the topics of race and worldwide human physical variation from the viewpoints of anthropology. Critically evaluates typological vs. population approaches to understanding the full range of worldwide human variation. Letter grade only.
Units: 3
Sections offered: Spring 2025
Requirement Designation: Science and Applied Science
Liberal Studies Essential Skills: Scientific Inquiry
Prerequisite: Sophomore Status or higher
Term : Fall 2024
Catalog Year : 2024-2025
ANT 377 - Anthropology Of Race: Human Physical Variation And Its Cultural Interpretation
Description: Explores the topics of race and worldwide human physical variation from the viewpoints of anthropology. Critically evaluates typological vs. population approaches to understanding the full range of worldwide human variation. Letter grade only.
Units: 3
Sections offered: Spring 2025
Requirement Designation: Science and Applied Science
Liberal Studies Essential Skills: Scientific Inquiry
Prerequisite: Sophomore Status or higher