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Justice Studies
Term : Fall 2024
Catalog Year : 2024-2025

JUS 310 - Community Relations In 21st Century Policing

Description: The purpose of this course is to share, with criminal justice students, strategies police departments can use to build a positive police/community relationship, a vital component to effective policing in the current environment. To develop this type of positive relationship, police officers and leaders must (1) have an understanding and appreciation of community members' different cultures, (2) be able to adopt effective community-based policing strategies, and (3) develop an active community relations plan that includes the use of social media. To ensure criminal justice students are prepared to work in the current criminal justice field, this course will provide contemporary and comprehensive material in each of these three areas. Letter grade only.

Units: 3

No sections currently offered.

Requirement Designation: Social and Political Worlds

Liberal Studies Essential Skills: Critical Thinking

Prerequisite: Junior Status or higher