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Curriculum and Instruction
Description: Writing is an essential skill in becoming a scholar. ECI 721 is a seminar designed to enable students in the Curriculum and Instruction Program to become productive and scholarly writers. This seminar prepares doctoral students for the challenging endeavor of writing for publication. Students are guided to become skilled in constructing manuscripts by developing arguments, supporting those arguments with evidence, and creating an organization schema based on a convincing presentation of the argument and evidence. Students deconstruct published pieces, engage in mock manuscript reviews, and compose an original manuscript for publication. American Psychological Association (APA) guidelines for publication are utilized. The necessary, but oftentimes, hidden skills and strategies of preparing writing for publishers' review are developed. Through these discussions and writing groups, students gain insights into the knowledge and dispositions of successful writers. Letter grade only.
Units: 1
No sections currently offered.
Prerequisite: Acceptance into the Curriculum and Instruction Doctoral Program, ECI 701, and ECI 711 Corequisite: ECI 685
Curriculum and Instruction
Term : Fall 2024
Catalog Year : 2024-2025
ECI 721 - Writing For Publication Seminar
Description: Writing is an essential skill in becoming a scholar. ECI 721 is a seminar designed to enable students in the Curriculum and Instruction Program to become productive and scholarly writers. This seminar prepares doctoral students for the challenging endeavor of writing for publication. Students are guided to become skilled in constructing manuscripts by developing arguments, supporting those arguments with evidence, and creating an organization schema based on a convincing presentation of the argument and evidence. Students deconstruct published pieces, engage in mock manuscript reviews, and compose an original manuscript for publication. American Psychological Association (APA) guidelines for publication are utilized. The necessary, but oftentimes, hidden skills and strategies of preparing writing for publishers' review are developed. Through these discussions and writing groups, students gain insights into the knowledge and dispositions of successful writers. Letter grade only.
Units: 1
No sections currently offered.
Prerequisite: Acceptance into the Curriculum and Instruction Doctoral Program, ECI 701, and ECI 711 Corequisite: ECI 685