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Applied Human Behavior
Term : Spring 2025
Catalog Year : 2024-2025

AHB 495C - Applied Human Behavior Portfolio Capstone

Description: This course provides students with the opportunity to think critically about their learning experiences in the Applied Human Behavior program and reflect on how their education at Northern Arizona University has prepared them for meeting the critical challenges of direct practice and professional administrative settings. Students will develop a three-part portfolio capstone project that analyzes how the program artifacts they have created in the AHB program relate specifically to core program objectives and have prepared them for entering the professional community. Students will then assemble a creative representation of their personal growth during the program. The portfolio project encompasses the conception, planning, and development of a rationale essay, creative project, and portfolio presentation. Students are asked to participate in teamwork, develop draft assignments, engage in constructive peer feedback sessions, and prepare effective written and oral presentations. Portfolio elements challenge students to organize, analyze, critically assess, defend, and apply their body of work in preparation for developing resumes, applying for professional positions, or submitting applications to advanced academic degree programs. Letter grade only.

Units: 3

Sections offered: Spring 2025 Summer 2025

Course Attributes:
  • GS: Senior Capstone
Prerequisite: Any junior-level writing course and Senior status