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Biological Sciences
Description: This course covers the mechanisms, targets and therapeutics of cancer, including the definition and molecular basis of cancer as a disease state, components of the regulatory machinery through which cell division is controlled, and processes through which these mechanisms fall. The course also provides insight into how molecular knowledge of these processes is being applied to develop new therapeutic strategies. Cross-listed with CHM 567. Letter grade only.
Units: 3
No sections currently offered.
Prerequisite: CHM 238 and BIO 344 and (CHM 360 or CHM 462C)
Biological Sciences
Term : Fall 2023
Catalog Year : 2023-2024
BIO 557 - Chemical And Molecular Biology Of Cancer
Description: This course covers the mechanisms, targets and therapeutics of cancer, including the definition and molecular basis of cancer as a disease state, components of the regulatory machinery through which cell division is controlled, and processes through which these mechanisms fall. The course also provides insight into how molecular knowledge of these processes is being applied to develop new therapeutic strategies. Cross-listed with CHM 567. Letter grade only.
Units: 3
No sections currently offered.
Prerequisite: CHM 238 and BIO 344 and (CHM 360 or CHM 462C)