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Term : Fall 2024
Catalog Year : 2024-2025

ANT 281 - Health Disparities, Violence, And U. S. Cultural Diversity

Description: ANT 281 explores the ways in which social, political, and economic processes shape lived experiences of health, illness, and healing among several ethnic groups within the United States. You will engage with a body of contemporary ethnographic research to explore how medical practitioners come to understand and conceptualize the relationships between ethnic diversity and health inequities in various social contexts across the United States. We also critically evaluate how political structures and medical systems can contribute to processes that produce a disproportionate prevalence of illnesses among some groups, while analyzing the perspectives of those people who learn to navigate, circumvent, or collectively confront medical institutions. The focus on different forms of violence in this course serves as a point of departure to theorize and examine distributions of power, and how power connects with forms of vulnerability and disparities in health. Letter grade only.

Units: 3

No sections currently offered.

Requirement Designation: Social and Political Worlds + US Ethnic

Liberal Studies Essential Skills: Critical Thinking