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Term : Fall 2024
Catalog Year : 2024-2025

POR 112 - First Year Portuguese

Description: Portuguese 112 is an accelerated introduction to the Portuguese language and Luso-Brazilian cultures, with an emphasis on Brazil, which serves as a crossroads between European (e.g., Portugal), African, and Indigenous cultures. This course aims to increase students' levels of proficiency via the everyday use of the target language. It is expected that students will be able to participate in conversational interactions to satisfy basic needs and/or to handle a simple transaction. Students will be able to self-correct and re-state when necessary, and circumlocute. Emphasis is placed on using the language orally for practical (i.e., transactional) functions (e.g., purchasing goods, interacting with medical personnel) as well as describing people and places. Students will be able to write about personal topics and about their immediate environment. They will also be able to write about general interest (e.g., travel, studies) and work-related topics. This course teaches students to see the Luso-Brazilian world from a Portuguese speaker's perspective, and aims to raise the students' own cultural self-awareness through comparison and contrast. Letter grade only.

Units: 4

No sections currently offered.

Requirement Designation: Cultural Understanding

Liberal Studies Essential Skills: Effective Writing, Oral Communication