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Term : Fall 2024
Catalog Year : 2024-2025

POR 212 - Second Year Portuguese

Description: Portuguese 212 is a continuing accelerated Portuguese language and Luso-Brazilian culture course, with an emphasis on Brazil, which serves as a crossroads between European (e.g., Portugal), African, and Indigenous cultures. This course aims to increase students' levels of proficiency via the everyday use of the target language. By continuous practice with the target language, it is expected that students will be able to spontaneously create with the language, initiate, sustain and close intermediate-level exchanges, ask and answer questions and possess the skills necessary to circumlocute when faced with a more difficult communicative task. Additionally, students will be able to meet intermediate practical writing needs by creating compositions, descriptive narratives and, crucially, will determine the message, the primary thesis, and/or the socio-cultural context of simple expository and narrative texts (written and oral). Since instruction is conducted entirely in Portuguese, students will achieve a high understanding of the target language that helps them to utilize it creatively in speech and writing and to interpret some complex aural passages and readings. They also investigate some historical contemporary issues important to life in Luso-Brazilian culture. They continue to build skills for interpreting readings dealing with cultural issues and they comment on relevant texts critically. Letter grade only.

Units: 4

No sections currently offered.

Requirement Designation: Cultural Understanding

Liberal Studies Essential Skills: Effective Writing, Oral Communication

Prerequisite: POR 112