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Term : Spring 2025
Catalog Year : 2024-2025

FIN 465 - Insurance Operations

Description: This course enables learners to examine topics related to operational effectiveness in the risk management and insurance industry and explore how the functions integrate to develop and deliver insurance products efficiently. Topics include: enterprise risk management, types of insurers and marketing systems, insurance company operations, financial operations of insurers, government regulation of insurance, purchasing life insurance, group life and health insurance, retirement plans, social insurance, and liability risk. Letter grade only.

Units: 3

Sections offered: Spring 2025

Course Attributes:
Prerequisite: ((MAT 108 or MAT 114 or STA 270 with a C or better) or Math Placement Test Results (MTHPLACE 40+; ALEKS 40+; PLACE 46+)), FIN 364, and Junior Status or higher