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Political Science
Description: Individualized directed research, writing, and oral defense of selected qualifying papers. PhD students are required to complete and defend in an oral exam two (2) qualifying exam papers by the end of the 3rd year. Each paper is to cover a topic of interest related to the student's substantive disciplinary and foci areas. The quality of the paper must be "submittable" to a reputable peer-reviewed journal in the student's area of research or a Political Science journal. Students are to enroll in POS 798, with their primary reader for the paper as the instructor for the course. Pass/Fail only. May be repeated for up to 18 units of credit.
Units: 1-9
Sections offered: Spring 2025
Course Attributes:
Political Science
Term : Spring 2025
Catalog Year : 2024-2025
POS 798 - Qualifying Paper Exam
Description: Individualized directed research, writing, and oral defense of selected qualifying papers. PhD students are required to complete and defend in an oral exam two (2) qualifying exam papers by the end of the 3rd year. Each paper is to cover a topic of interest related to the student's substantive disciplinary and foci areas. The quality of the paper must be "submittable" to a reputable peer-reviewed journal in the student's area of research or a Political Science journal. Students are to enroll in POS 798, with their primary reader for the paper as the instructor for the course. Pass/Fail only. May be repeated for up to 18 units of credit.
Units: 1-9
Sections offered: Spring 2025
Course Attributes: